Sustainable Development Goals
Our site supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

SDGs for Children: Stay Healthy with the Earth!
SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) is an acronym for the 17 global goals set by the United Nations to protect the planet, with a target date of 2030. At first glance, this may not be immediately clear, but simply put, these are goals aimed at safeguarding the Earth. You can find detailed information about them on the official websites of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the UN Information Centre. However, since these are global goals for the entire planet, many people might feel that 'this doesn’t really concern our households'.
We believe that living healthily means that the entire environment should also be healthy. By engaging children or teams at home, you can naturally work towards the SDGs.

3: Good Health and Well-being
4: Quality Education for All
‘Equal Education for All’ means providing every individual, regardless of nationality, gender, or other factors, with the opportunity to receive an education. This is not only focused on children; adults also have the right to receive proper education. Similarly, everyone has the right to live comfortably and safely.
On this site, we are committed to ensuring that everyone only receives the information they need when they need it. Health is the foundation of all 'sustainable efforts.' We sincerely hope that you stay healthy and carry a peaceful heart in your daily life.

5: Gender Equality
10: Reduced Inequalities
16: Peace, Justice, and Storong Institution
Gender, nationality, region, race, religion, gender, skin colour... it’s natural for there to be various differences between people. However, discrimination occurs when individuals or groups are attacked, hurt, treated as inferior, or subjected to actions that degrade their human dignity simply because they are different. Even today, there are people suffering from discrimination around the world.
Everyone should be able to live in a safe environment, feeling secure. It is essential to eliminate inequality through laws, policies, and actions. By teaching children this message, we can create a world where everyone can live comfortably. This, in turn, helps foster a more positive environment within teams and schools. It starts with the small things we can do, and it can begin today, right in our own surroundings.

1: No Poverty
2: Zero Hunger
Many children may not fully understand the meaning of poverty. Today’s world is overflowing with goods, and we live in an environment where we can obtain what we need when we need it. However, we must convey that this is not the case everywhere in the world. To start, we can contribute by reducing food waste within our homes. For children, developing the habit of eating everything on their plate without being picky can make a difference. It would be wonderful if food that would otherwise be wasted could be delivered to children who are suffering from hunger. However, the key is to start by tackling food waste within businesses and homes, as this is where we can begin making a real impact.

12: Responsible Consumption and Production
14: Life Below Water
Even in an era where the seas are overflowing with plastic bottles, we can see that the oceans and coastlines are becoming cleaner each year through 'sustainable efforts'. On Japan's coastlines, during the summer, security personnel help to keep the seas clean in line with 'sustainable practices'.
When it comes to environmental 'sustainable efforts' that we can contribute to, the ocean is perhaps the most immediate and relevant example.
By bringing your own bags and bottles when shopping, and avoiding taking things that will turn into waste, you can contribute to 'sustainable efforts' on a daily basis.

6: Clean Water and Sanitation
7: Affordable and Clean Energy
13: Climate Action
As everyday "sustainable efforts," we can contribute by not leaving the water running while washing dishes, not leaving lights or the TV on, and choosing energy-efficient products. By conserving water, we can also reduce overall energy consumption in society.
Setting rules at home such as "turn off when you’re done" and "don’t leave things out" is very beneficial for children as well. Through reducing greenhouse gas emissions, saving water, and saving electricity, we can help protect the Earth's resources.

8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
We are committed to protecting the right of every person to work, promoting safe and secure working environments. We aim to firmly prohibit forced labour and child labour, such as treating children as soldiers, and strive to create environments where children can grow up as children. On top of that, we aim to build sustainable industries where no one is left behind.
Let's adopt child- and environment-friendly technologies and production methods, and create local and cross-border infrastructures that provide affordable and equitable access to essential services like the internet.

8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
We aim to implement sustainable city development in a way that protects global cultural and natural heritage while ensuring that everyone can participate. We believe that livable cities are built through partnerships, and this applies to infrastructure such as disaster response systems and transportation at all levels.
We will provide support that enables investment in science and technology, as well as economic assistance, in developing countries to make these advancements possible.

15: Life on Land
Let’s protect the forests that continue to provide us with fresh air, as well as the natural blessings found on land, such as wetlands, mountains, and drylands. To contribute to the goal of sustainable forest management, we should make efforts in our daily lives to protect nature. By exploring FSC-certified products with children and explaining why these products are good, we can help connect the future. Supporting organizations dedicated to environmental conservation is also important.